Thursday 17 September 2015

Buddy Writing: Cat & Parrot - Brigid

One day, on a frosty morning all was quiet apart from the loud howling from the dog in the garden. Now your going to be wondering, why I am staring out the window with a parrot by my side, and I am not munching away at him.

 Well he is my best friend Oliver. He says I am his hero because I saved him from that dreaded dog. Oliver was half way down the dogs tummy, when I got off MY lazy tummy and booted the dog up the back side. That's why he is howling now!

Today its the 15 of may, that dog ate my brother's mother. So me and Oliver decided that he has to go, we looked out the window, the dog was trying to catch his tail. I looked at the BBQ, then the dog, then my tummy it started going bubbly.

"Are you hungry, " I asked Oliver, he looked down at his tummy, it went bubbly as well "yes why, " he said well I was thinking that dog is a dread, and tomorrow night it's taco tuesday, and for the mince you need a BBQ, and we like dog mince,what are you trying to say? asked Oliver. LET'S PUT THE DOG ON THE BBQ! I shouted.

 Brilliant, just brilliant, shouted Oliver you brilliant, lazy cat. I love it, I love it, I love it, intro, intro, intro. He took a breath in and out, O.k so if were going to do this properly, we need to make a list: 

* Be hungry.

* Get BBQ cause.
* Get tomato cause.
* Taco shells.
* Dog!

Plan attack:

We got the dog with the sleepy bow, and carried the dog to behind the BBQ, were humans could not find him.

Next we put the in the mince and dog on the BBQ to cook.  
After that we ate the dog for supper, and now we have a full tummy!

Wof came a sound, oh no it was the dog's boney body with no flesh on it, coming right our way!

Find out what happen's next in the cat and parrot 2!

By Brigid.

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