Sunday 25 February 2018


Can we define what each genre is about?

Historical fiction: A 'made up' story but about real events in history like, about WW2, or the CHCH earthquake.
E.G. Boy in Striped Pyjamas, When Hitler stole the Pink Rabbit, My Stories, The Famous Five.

Fantasy:  'Make believe' talking animals and magic.
E.G. Harry Potter, Dogman, Mrs Frizby & the Rats of Nimh, Jungle Book, Lord of the Rings

Fairy Tales:  Stories that start with Once upon a time.
E.G. Three little pigs

Mystery: Would have clues and a problem to solve. Often has a detective or problem solver.
E.g. 39 Steps, Scooby Doo

Science Fiction:

Graphic Novel:

Folk Tales:

Myths or Fables:

Biography & Autobiography:


Realistic Fiction:



1 comment:

  1. Hi Allana,
    it it great how you have added a video so we can learn about genre. Next time you could finish off the writing about each genre. Keep up the good work.
    Come and visit my blog at...
    From Allana


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