Friday 12 February 2016

How's the team going?

P - positive:
Pleased the new playground is being built - Adele
Tables and chairs working well - arrangement - Phoebe
We have a waka and are mostly working as a team, following our paddles - Rosie, Sjaak
Good to have shoes in cubby or under seat to keep them out the way - Aria
Having choice of taking shoes off - Nina
The Zone, we like the couch, bean bags, quiet space - heaps of kids :), Renee
Mostly getting to class quickly - Tegan
It gets hot when we are in a big group - Lachie
More boring if we are in the big group, keep it short - Jamiee
Swimming is great because sorted into groups make the time be used better, calmer - Sjaak

M - Minus:
Moller side has no special table to work at outside - Allana
The class is getting loud- teachers get louder and get sore throats - Toby
Can't eat lunch with our other friends, stuck with the team - Sarah
Timetable whiteboard getting rubbed off - Taylor
Hard to hear the teacher when both groups are working at normal noise level - Nina
No people in the Waka display - Allana
We get no free swim time - Lexie

I - Improve:
Keep focussing on the quiet noise level - move to the mat for talking.
Big group so we can all hear but limit to 10 minutes sessions.
Really push the more able swimmers.
Get a table for outside Moller end.
Use outside more for our lessons.
Look to get into work and activities quicker - less talk.
Teacher focus on more gottchas and sprint stones.
Have the focus on the board to focus our rewards.

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