Wednesday 2 December 2015

Todd and Blake buddy editing

After editing:
On a sunny summer day on a cliff.

My hands were grasping onto an imaginary boogie board as I jumped off the smooth cliff into the 50 kilometre deep water. I could hear my shorts flapping in the wind like clothes on the washing line and I could see the water rippling in front of me.

“What  am I doing?” I screamed.  “Am I going to die?“

Oh no, I thought as I watched my best pair of blue and yellow jandals sit on the cliff. I wanted to get them back, but I couldn’t because I was already halfway through the air.

Will I ever see my blue and yellow beach jandals again?

Before editing:
On a sunny summers day.
My hands were grasping onto an imaginary boogi board as I jumped off the cliff. I could hear my shorts flapping in the wind and I could see the water rippling in front of me. What was I doing? Was I going to die? Oh no! i thought as I watched my best pair of jandals sit on the cliff. I wanted to get them back, but I couldn't

Will he ever see his jandals again?

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