Tuesday 8 March 2016

Hanmer Springs Camp

“ Woo Hoo “ we’re on the bus I said to my BFF Charlotte. Charlotte and I chose a seat in the middle of the bus. We could tell it was the middle of the bus because there were stairs down to a emergency exit In Front of us. Charlotte and I chatted and played games until we hit Amberly. We got of the bus and had some pringles and then we jumped back on the bus. We carried on to Hanmer Charlotte and I continued to chat and play games. Out the blue, I started to hear clapping and singing, I looked out the bus window and saw a sign that said hanmer springs. We’re in Hanmer I said!

We plopped our bags on the grassy playing field. We had to play on playground until all the cabins to were ready. We found out that Charlotte Lexie and I were in cabin s8. Then we found that we were going to the hot pools. I went back to the cabin to pack . Later on we Arrived at the pools, some instructions were set out then we ran like maniacs towards the fresh water pool. I followed Charlotte to the deep diving end I dived in my body plunged into the cold water.

The next day was waterfall walk day. It was good but steep. Suddenly bloodthirsty screams were let out. It was because of wasps, a wasps nest in fact Wasps were everywhere . There were emotional girls and brave men. The men were carrying the girls through the wasp. It was a scary but it was a well remembered experience.

Next was tree climbing. We were strapped into tight harnesses and shoed up the tree like birds. I felt like I was flying but the hard part was coming down I said ‘’look out below’’  yay I am down I said. Then  It was dinner. It was nachos yum yum then we headed of to mini golf. It was fun I got two hole in ones it was exciting.

The next day was mission impossible. It was a quiz but a physical quiz  we fished with rope and skied on wooden posts. And that was the end of camp! I am so excited to tell my mum and dad all about camp. 

By Poppy

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't there lots of exciting things that happened on camp, especially the waterfall walk. Great descriptive sentences , great work Poppy


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