Thursday 3 September 2015

The huge wave - Poppy

Sprinting men not woman there hearts pounding at its highest rate. The huge wave gets closer and closer and the screaming gets louder and louder. Then suddenly they see a smooth flat  linoleum sea and wonder how will this end? The wave curves up and around seek and horror does it have enough energy? Surely not but it will do a lot of damage to are town and protective matchstick fence.


  1. That is a very descriptive and thought provocating piece of writing Poppy, well done 😀

  2. Wow Poppy you managed your time well to get this up so quickly. I love the way you used the word from reading Piano Rock with 'linoleum sea.' what a great descriptive tool. I also love the 'protective matchstick fence' - not that it would protect you from much!

    Their hearts pounding would be spelt this way. Check out how to spell our or is it are?


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